“To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always” -Hippocrates

Hospice of Warren County offers -consultative Palliative Care services


What is Palliative Care?

  • Palliative care is the medical specialty focused on improving overall quality of life for patients and families facing serious illness.

    To palliate means, to relieve suffering; to alleviate symptoms without necessarily curing the underlying medical condition.

    The goal of palliation is to provide the highest quality of life possible for patients & families dealing with advanced, serious, or life-threatening illnesses.

    Emphasis is placed on communication, pain and symptom control and coordination of care. Palliative care can be provided at the same time curative treatment is being pursued.

  • This means we work with your personal health care provider to coordinate your care and relieve your suffering.

  • Palliative care focuses on optimizing your quality of life.

    Palliative care is comprehensive care for the patient and their families.

    Our palliative care service provides patients and their families the opportunity to have access to the physical and emotional care and support they need to live life as fully as possible.

    We help with communication and coordination of care between various providers which means you don’t have to face those healthcare challenges alone.

    -We help patients and families define and meet their goals to optimize quality of life for their family system.

    -We help you and your family make difficult, informed decisions regarding various treatment and care options.

    -Our care providers collaborate with community providers to advocate for the you and your family as you navigate the medical system.

    -Treatment of your symptoms

  • -pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and other physical symptoms

    -emotional, social, or spiritual distress

  • -Palliative care is a covered benefit for most insurances

    -We bill all insurances

    -Copays may apply

  • Ask your primary care provider or your specialist.

    Call 814-723-2455 for more information.

  • Your primary care provider, your specialist(s)


    Melissa Shene, CRNP, our Palliative care provider

    Social workers

    Registered nurses




  • Hospice: Life expectancy estimated at 6 months or less with decision to forego aggressive measures to cure illness or prolong life.

    Palliative Care: - any age

    - any stage

    - may continue to pursue aggressive treatments for their illness (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, etc)

“All hospice work is palliative care, but not all palliative care is hospice.”